

2018 Mexico Mission Trip

Mexico Mission Trip

Serving the poorest families through life-changing mission trips

This year we are going to be partnering with Church of the Joyful Healer again for a mission trip to Mexico to help a family build a home with Amor.  Last year we had 41 people from 5 different churches including 13 people from New Heart participate in the mission trip.  This year's trip is scheduled for April 14 - 22, which is the week of spring break for the local schools.

Build a House!?  I don't know how to build a house!  Don’t worry, if you don’t have building experience you can do it with our help!   If you can build Legos or IKEA furniture (maybe set the bar a little too high there) you can do this - last two trips we had people from ages 8 to 70 years old, many of whom had no experience whatsoever.

The cost is $600 - half the cost goes toward building materials and the other half is for fuel, transportation, food etc.   If the cost is prohibitive, there are some scholarship funds available and there will be fundraising opportunities to help defray the cost.

You need to have a current passport for the trip - by far the most important thing to do right now is to get your passport if you don’t have one.  No passport = No trip.

If you want to go, we need to know by Feb. 19 if at all possible so we can plan for drivers, food etc.

All registration forms and money need to be turned in by March 12 at the latest.  Please turn them in as soon as you have them ready.

Please prayerfully consider joining us for this life-changing trip or consider sponsoring someone from New Heart.

For more information contact Pastor Mike.

Come Build Hope

Find out more about Amor here!